/  ALTA Members   /  Hour of Power #4 | Event Wrap-Up
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Hour of Power #4 | Event Wrap-Up

by ALTA Intern, Chiquita Shaw

Welcome to our coverage of our fourth ALTA Hour of Power – a regular, hour-long pitching session for Australian legal technology businesses. Each business has 4 minutes to pitch, meaning that viewers get the benefit of seeing a ton of #LegalTech pitches in one short hour.

Co-hosts of today’s session are: Karen Finch, CEO of Legally Yours and Vice-President of ALTA, and Matthew Bolle, National Segment Head of Legal of Macquarie Bank.

This Hour of Power’s pitches are from:

1.   Connor James, Titan Lawyer (document review and generation, automation)
2.   Mark Tyndall, Neota Logic
3.   Tom Dreyfus, Josef (no-code automation)
4.   David Lipworth, Rulestar (no code automation)
5.   Laura Kelly, Immediation
6.   Rik Nauta, Donna Legal
7.   Garth Brown, Filepro
8.   Natalie Curtis, GlobalX

Titan Lawyer – Event Sponsor

First is Connor James from Titan Lawyer – who happens to also be the sponsor for this edition of Hour of Power! Titan Lawyer is a cloud-based document review and automation system. Using machine learning and natural language processing, Titan Lawyer’s presentation showed us how the software uses a risk-based approach to review contracts and automate processes – e.g. picking out key dates of obligations in a contract and emailing reminders of this to clients!

Request a demo at www.titanlawyer.ai
Contact Connor James, Principal, Email: connor@titanlawyer.ai
Telephone: +61 2 8042 8493

Neota Logic

Secondly we have Mark Tyndall of Neota Logic, which empowers lawyers to harness the tools of process automation, document generation and expertise automation without any coding required. Mark takes us through how Neota Logic can visually represent and build a workflow to manage a risk assessment process, with the software taking users through an interview-style process to gather information, and track user data throughout the process to ensure all steps and deadlines are met with timeliness.

Request a demo at www.neotalogic.com
Contact Mark Tyndall, VP, Markets and Growth for APAC, Email: tyndall@neotalogic.com


Tom Dreyfus, CEO of Josef, then introduces his product. Josef’s core focus is ease of use; anyone in a legal organisation should be able to build, maintain and upgrade this tool to work better internally and deliver better service. Josef builds bots that can streamline workflow and automate document creation – with Tom’s demo showing how Josef can automate the creation of an employment agreement! 

Request a demo at www.joseflegal.com/demo
Contact Tom Dreyfus, CEO, Email: Tom@joseflegal.com


Next, David Lipworth gives us a sneak peek of Rulestar – which is just now being launched! Powered by the same technology as Smarter Drafter, Rulestar is a document automation platform that goes deeply into the logic of document drafting. David shows us how Rulestar can use numerous conditional rules to automate large-scale documents with various moving parts, and automatically drafts legal documents.

For more info visit www.rulestar.com
Contact David Lipworth, Managing Director, Email: team@rulestar.com
Telephone: +61 2 8806 0607


Tried and tested at the Federal Court of Australia, VCAT, Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court, Immediation is a video conferencing platform for legal services. Laura Keily, founder of Immediation, drew on her experiences as a barrister to create Immediation, which is now being used by courts and tribunals, law firms, and government parties. Immediation can simulate virtual environments for dispute resolution, and client meetings. Additional features include a whiteboard function, access to a panel of legal experts and a team of clerks to assist.

For more information go to www.immediation.com
Contact Laura Keily, Founder & Managing Director, Email: laura.keily@immediation.com
Telephone: +61 437 773 522

Donna Legal

Rik Nauta then came to show us Donna Legal, which helps lawyers in drafting, and is essentially ‘everything a lawyer wishes Microsoft Word would do’. A fun fact mentioned by Rik was that lawyers scroll 11km in documents every year! Donna Legal saves this time by linking, and making more visible, key terms in a document, as well as picking out potential drafting errors! To give potential users ample time to test the product, Donna Legal also allows for a four-week free trial that includes onboarding sessions and is accompanied by an innovative pricing model, where clients only pay for the people who use the product, so that the number of licenses needed (and money spent) is reduced!

To request your 4-week trial visit www.donna.legal
Contact Rik Nauta, Co-founder/CEO, Email: rik@donna.legal
Telephone: +46 (0) 73 842 9991


Next we had Filepro, where we heard from Garth Brown who gave a tour of FilePro V21.1 – that’s a lot of iterations. FilePro’s latest upgrade includes unlimited updates at no cost to firms. File Pro is a legal practice management system, where lawyers can organise different matters, organise documents, generate timesheets, financial statements, and is integrated with Outlook to recognise appointments associated with a matter!

For a demo, visit www.filepro.com.au today!
Contact Garth Brown, National Sales Manager, Email: garth.brown@filepro.com.au
Telephone: 0438 836 166

Global X

We finally had Natalie Curtis of GlobalX present to us, not one but two products! The first was ID Secure Virtual VOI, which was an online identity verification tool that allowed users to securely verify the identity of clients without meeting in person. Secondly, Natalie took us through Matter Centre Projects, which provides a centralised platform for legal teams and parties in property development to manage and communicate documents for multi-lot property developments, construction, real estate and major projects.


To request a demo, visit www.globalx.com.au
Contact Natalie Curtis, Marketing and Events Coordinator, Email: natalie.curtis@globalx.com.au
Telephone: +61 7 3031 3147

Wrapping up

Timed to perfection our Hour of Power was expertly managed by Karen Finch and Matthew Bolle to ensure ALTA was able to showcase all member representative’s presentations in a short sharp format just under the hour. Click here view the full recording and commentary with each of our presenters.

The next Hour of Power will be held online soon. If you are interested in presenting your company’s products , services or brand to the wider legaltech community contact events@alta.law to express your interest in the next Hour of Power.