WALTA Mission
WALTA aims to empower and inspire women in legal technology through a collective spirit of collegiality, collaboration and community. WALTA stands proudly as a committee under the umbrella of ALTA.
WALTA Key Partner

WALTA Membership
Join ALTA to be part of the WALTA community and pave the path for women in legal technology of tomorrow.
To be part of WALTA, you must be Women who are ALTA members or Advocate Members and identify as a legal technology professional. You do not need to be a legal technology founder, however, you should display a strong interest as part of your career or otherwise through thought leadership in legal technology.
Meet the WALTA team
WALTA’s subcommittee works hard on creating a powerful identity for WALTA and developing a strategy on how to empower and support women in Australasian legal technology.
WALTA History
June 2021
At Jodie Baker’s keynote presentation at ALTACON21, ALTA/WALTA released its PEXA sponsored research paper ‘Diversity in Legal Tech – It’s Time for Action’. The report highlighted three ‘calls to action’ which both legal technology and the broader legal industry could focus on in relation to funding, visibility and voices for female founders and participants in Australian LegalTech.
19th August 2021
WALTA hosted a Think Tank Discussion, resulting in 3 Working Groups focused on the 3 ‘call to actions’ outlined in the paper and led by members, Lisa Dowie (PEXA), Shamila Gopalan (HerWit) and Kathy Constan (LodgeX):
Between August and November 2021
The Working Groups workshopped the initiatives that would create real action and change in the diversity of the Australian legal tech landscape.
November 2021
WALTA hosted a second Think Tank on how to take action on diversity in LegalTech. Attendees heard from special guest Jo Stewart-Rattray, risk and technology security expert, committed to increasing the representation of women in technology leadership and the tech workforce more broadly. The outputs of these Think Thanks established WALTA’s three key project initiatives outlined above.
December 2021
The ALTA board approved the formation of the WALTA subcommittee being led by Karen Finch, Jodie Baker, Lisa Dowie and Amanda Fajerman.
January 2022
WALTA were delighted to welcome PEXA as the official WALTA partner.
April 2022
The Women of Australian Legal Technology Association officially launches, announcing a range of new initiatives at a cocktail reception at Collins Square, Melbourne
July 2022
The Women of Australian Legal Technology Association hosts an in person and virtual working lunch to project plan the first WALTA initiative, the ePlaybook.
November 2022
The Women of Australian Legal Technology Association launched the first WALTA initiative, the WALTA Playbook, a comprehensive downloadable guide for women in LegalTech. .
February 2023
The Women of Australian Legal Technology Association hosts an in person and virtual working lunch to project plan the second WALTA initiative, the WALTA Directory.
April 2024
The Women of Australian Legal Technology Association officially launches theWiLD: Women in Legaltech Directory.
Become a WALTA Partner
Support our WALTA community and become a partner to support a range of WALTA initiatives and to fulfil our mission to create real diversity and empowerment for women in the legal tech industry. Get in touch with our CEO, Emma Elliott or Partnerships Manager, Miriam Bryce to discuss how you can align your brand with our Women of Legal Tech initiatives.
WALTA Calendar of Events
The WALTA community meet regularly to push forward the WALTA initiatives and to fulfil our mission to create real diversity and empowerment for women in the legal tech industry. WALTA members can join our closed WALTA LinkedIn group to stay informed on upcoming events and news about our community.
Member Meet up – 9 April 2025
Meeting at the Legal Innovation & Tech Fest | Hilton Sydney
Working Lunch – February 2023
Our February 2023 Working Lunch launched our second WALTA project, ‘The WALTA Directory.
WALTA Playbook Global Launch – November 2022
We launched the WALTA Playbook on Wednesday 30 November via an online global event. Find out more about this incredible resource here.
Working Lunch – July 2022
Our July 2022 Working Lunch launched our first WALTA project, ‘The WALTA EPlaybook’.
Launch Event – April 2022
The official WALTA Launch took place on the 28th April 2022. Check out the action!
WALTA News & Articles
Check out the latest WALTA new and articles!
- Lawyers Weekly: “The importance of making female legaltech leaders visible“
- Australasian Lawyer: “New association spotlights women in legaltech“
- Legal Practice Intelligence: “WALTA’s mission to empower women in legaltech“
- ALTA Blog: “Women in Legal Tech” by Farsai Powthong
WALTA Values
In order to ensure that WALTA fulfils its mission to empower and inspire women in legal technology, the WALTA Subcommittee has created a set of underlying core values which guides all our decision-making and actions. The WALTA Values are:

inspire and be inspired

we see you, we hear you, we stand by you

diversity of thought, diversity of people

be brave, be bold, break the mould

a safe place to support through hardship and celebrate success

creation of ideas leading to action-oriented outcomes

pave the path for the women in legal technology of tomorrow.