/  ALTA Board

ALTA Board .

The ALTA Board is comprised of elected representatives from the ALTA membership. The Board sets the strategic direction for ALTA and strives to deliver a learning and development program that benefits members, advocates and the broader legal community.

Board Directors volunteer their time to help drive the growth and success of ALTA as the peak national association for legal technology companies in Australia. Each Director looks after a key area of responsibility and the associated sub-committee where applicable.

Andrew McDuff, President

APAC Partner Director, Smarter Drafter by Tensis
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Amanda Fajerman, WALTA Director including theWiLD

Head of Digital Change, Herbert Smith Freehills
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Greg McClure, Treasurer

CFO, McCarthy Durie Lawyers
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Elena Tsalanidis

Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, Deeligence
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Ashley Kelso, L&D | Events

CEO and Co-Founder, Hivelight

Stewart Rasmussen

Founder & CEO, Syncly
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Mollie Tregillis

Founder, Mollusc
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David Woolstencroft

Founder | CEO | Director, Novum Global
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Stephen van Dorp, ALPMA President

CEO, SLF Lawyers
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Simon Dodwell

Applications Manager, Piper Alderman
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