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Titan Lawyer

Titan Lawyer has two key objectives: To move contracts into dynamic working documents and to manage contractual risk. It achieves this by automatically identifying risks and tasks within contracts allowing you to understand where you stand with your contracts.

If you are looking for a solution that involves more than merge fields, get in touch. We have developed an advanced and secure automation system that can connect to APIs. Example: generate a contract whose contents are determined by a credit check conducted on a counterparty- all instantaneously.

We’re uniquely position to ensure that your legal operation is functioning to the best of its capacity. If you are interested in legal tech and want to talk to people who have lived in the sector for 12 years, get in touch.

Target Market
Community legal practice
In-house legal department
Large law firm
Medium Law Firm
Small Law Firm
Sole Practitioner
Type of Legal Tech
Contract lifecycle management
Document automation
Legal operations
Legal Practice
Business & Commerical Law