/    /  ALTA terms of service

ALTA terms of service .

Members .

The Applicant applies to be a member of the Australian Legal Technology Association Limited ( “ALTA”). Membership is for one year and renews automatically each year unless cancelled by the Applicant in writing to ALTA. The Applicant agrees to be bound by ALTA’s Constitution. If this application is accepted by ALTA, the Applicant authorises ALTA to place its name on its Register of Members.

Unless otherwise notified to ALTA in writing, the Applicant’s Representative, as required by ALTA’s Constitution, is the person who at any given time holds the office of Chief Executive Officer or Managing Director (as applicable) in the Applicant. Any restrictions on the Representative’s authority to act in that capacity for the Applicant must be notified by the Applicant to ALTA in writing.

Advocates .

The Applicant applies to be an Advocate of the Australian Legal Technology Association Limited ( “ALTA”). Advocate subscription is for one year and renews automatically each year unless cancelled by the Applicant in writing to ALTA. The Applicant agrees to be bound by ALTA’s Constitution. If this application is accepted by ALTA, the Applicant authorises ALTA to place its name on its Register of Advocates.